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Level one with kali linux ...

Hello buddies , welcome to "level one with kali linux" #Here we are going to learn some basics of kali linux .The basics would be like cutting,copying,moving creating files with the terminal      here to know what is terminal).Because most of the hacking is done with terminal as you have to master terminal and you should feel comfortable with it. 

1. ls here the "ls" stands for "list"


The "ls" command - the list command - functions in the Linux terminal to show all of the major directories(here directories means the folders which we see in windows dont get confused)filed under a given file system.In simple language it shows all the folders i mean the directories in the hard Disk or the objects present in the directory like text file or an image file etc. For instance the command:

ls ~/Desktop  (when ever you "ls" any directory the starting letter must                     start with capital letter like for listing the desktop you                   have to type "D" capital and then "esktop"and remember this                   rule is not appliled for all the directories, this is only                   applicable to the directories which come with the os .)  


...will show the objects present in the Desktop directory.

The ls command is used for viewing files, folders and directories.

2 . cd  here the "cd" stands for "Change Directory"


The "cd" command - the change directory command - functions to explore the directories in the hardDisk .so for instance you wanted to change the directory from "Desktop" to "Documents" you have to use this command , so now assume you are in the Desktop directory in terminal it looks like this root@kali:~/Desktop#    ------->now you are in desktop directory

                          to change you have to type

root@kali:~/Desktop# cd Documents  ------>hit enter now you are in Documents                                            directory


root@kali:~/Documents#             ------->now you are in Documents                                                     directory                


3. mv    here the "mv" stands for "move"

The "mv" command - move command is used to move a file or an object from one directory to the other .For instance you wanted to move a file from "Downloads" to "Documents" , you can use this "mv" command in the terminal .  

root@kali:~/Downloads#    so now suppose assume that you have downloaded a file called example.txt now you have wanna move this file from downloads to documents so now all you have to do is just type

  root@kali:~/Downloads# mv example.txt/Documents

              or else you can even type 

root@kali:~/Downloads# mv example.txt Documents

so now that's it you have learnt how to move a file from one directory to the other using CLI(command line interface) .so now when you change the directory from  downloads to documents and type ls you'll find example.txt in the Documents Directory . 

root@kali:~/Downloads# cd Documents -------->hit enter you will enter the documents directory and then type ls you will find example.txt listed in the directory .


4. man    here the "man" stands for "manual"

 The "man" command - man command is a manual of every command, it explains how to use the command and it displays the syntax or else we can say the format of the command.In other words it actually helps you and guides you how and when to use the command . It also even consists the info, when it was made and by whom it was made. It is just like the manual which you'll get when you buy a new product .So now ,for instance 

you want to check the usage and format of "ls" command what you have to do is just type 

root@kali:/# man ls     --------------> now hit enter you will get the entire  manual of the "ls" command . .


5. mkdir      here the "mkdir"  stands for "makeDirectory"

The "mkdir" command - mkdir command is usually used to make directories, in windows os , we call them as folders . so basically in windows we use GUI (Grapical user interface) to create a folder by giving "right click" via mouse and selecting "new" then after "folder" .you'll get a new folder created on the Desktop or the path where ever you wanted to create a folder. But in terminal you have to make use of this "mkdir" command to create a new Directory (folder) at any path you wish. So for instance assume that you are in Desktop directory.

root@kali:~/Desktop#      ----------> now type "mkdir" and dont forget to specify the name of the directory you wanna create 


root@kali:~/Desktop# mkdir cyber ----------> here "cyber" is the name i have assaigned to the folder i mean the directory.

6.  rmdir   here the "rmdir"  stands for "remove directory"

The "rmdir" command - rmdir the name itself says that the command is used to remove the existing directory . for example assume you have a directory called "remove" on the Desktop and now to remove the directory you have to type 

root@kali:~/Desktop# rmdir remove ---------->and then hit enter , you find the directory removed .

root@kali:~/Desktopls         ---------> its gone!



7.    rm       here the "rm" stands for "remove"

The rm command - remove - like the "rmdir"command is meant to remove files from your Linux OS. Whereas the rmdir command will remove directories and files held within, the rm command will delete created files. An example of the rm command for instance assume that we have test.txt in the Desktop directory , you wanna remove it ,so to do so you have to type 

root@kali:~/Desktop# rm test.txt ------------->this command removes the file


8. touch


The "touch" command - the make file command - allows users to make files using the Linux CLI. Just as the mkdir command makes directories, the touch command makes files. Just as you would make a .doc or a .txt using a PC desktop, the touch command makes empty files. An example of the touch command suppose assume that you wanna create a txt file called test.txt you have to type :

root@kali:~/Desktop# touch test.txt ---------------> now you will create a txt file



9. pwd      here the "pwd" stands for "present working directory"

The pwd command - pwd is a command which displays the path where you are currently working .It is very useful  command , you can use this command to display as shown below 


so, here the "present working directory" is the "root directory" .this is the reason it is showing root.It is just like the "C drive" in windows operating system.And one more thing the short cut for root directory is "~/" if you wanna access your Desktop directory in terminal then you have to put this command in front of "Desktop" which looks like this :

root@kali:# cd ~/Desktop       --------->here ~/ specifies the path (root)

10. clear    

The clear command does exactly what it says. When your Linux CLI gets all mucked up with various readouts and information, the clear command clears the screen and wipes the board clean. Using the clear command will take the user back to the start prompt of whatever directory you are currently operating in. To use the clear command simply type "clear" .


so ,congratulations you've successfully completed the task. In this level you have learnt some basic commands of kali linux terminal .I think this is not enough,If you have good internet  connection , i suggest you to watch this video .you can have a better understanding .And also i have given you the download button from there you can download the above video. 

kali linux basic commands video.


SO ,Buddies here is the video Watch this video.  
I have selected the best video from youtube . I agree that this video is not created by me , Due to lack of time i could not create , so i 've searched a best video and posted it here . i recommend you to watch this video before leaving level one . And you can download this video by clicking on the download button .

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